Bachelor in the sand storm

Bachelor in the sand storm
It all started when the sand began ..... to move

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Terrain parameters set...and cooking

Using World Machine 2.2 ....and a very short learning curve....i managed to come up with a flow of processes or devices as they name produce very nice terrain...and great detail too...

Im currently outputting 1 Splat map for terrain, one for trees and one for grass/bushes....this is to test out the whole scene at 4096 res......then we go into the 28km tiled (28672 x 28672 made up of 2046 tiles 14x14)....

a quick test in unity.....scaled the terrain to 28000units (i.e. 28km) and runs smoothly....very happy with the results....

28k x28k......but low res texture splat compared to terrain size.....still looks good though

1 comment:

  1. hi, thanks to share your info and exp, but do you have send tmd file of this post for me ?

    I worked with Version 2.2 and problem with generate splatemap from Worldmachin
